Book Review: Drop Dead Healthy

I've recently had a hankering for reading a few good health/self-help books, and decided to tackle Drop Dead Healthy by A.J. Jacobs over the holidays. During the recounting of his two-year journey to become as "healthy as humanly possible," I enjoyed Jacobs' conversational style and was surprised to find it funny. It was the noise-cancelling headphones that got me. Each chapter focuses on a part of the body, and not only the obvious ones. For example, there's one on the "inside of the eyelids" i.e. sleep, and one on the ears, in which he learns about the dangers of our sky-high decibel lives. Jacobs takes to wearing large 70s-style headphones around Manhattan to protect his ears from the constant noise. His highly-tolerant and reasonable wife is on board with this, until she finally loses it on the way to a play date for their sons, asking him to take the "dorky" offending items off before they arrive.

The book is full of interesting bits of information and funny exchanges with Jacob's wife Julie, who becomes a character in the story in her own right. Jacob also includes tales and anecdotes from a few other family members -- his grandfather as well as his "eccentric Aunt Marni" -- who all round the book out and make for a more interesting two-year journey of health from every aspect.

Although some may find my voracious reading of self-help books strange, I was told once (by a psychologist, my friends) that my approach to them is in fact quite healthy. I find I take away one or two helpful hints or even just one particular thing that makes me think. I also love those written in the first person by the author, as I can't get enough of observing how others' view the world and what it is that makes them tick.

In this book it was Jacob's tackling of his sedentary life style that really hit home for me. When he described his love of sitting down, I thought, "That's me!". Being healthy isn't just about exercise and going to the gym, but the research he did showed that sitting and starting at screens is actually bad for you. The book isn't footnoted (one of its flaws), so I can't check the "studies" he quotes, but he does make a point that anecdotally appears to be true: never before in history have we been so immobile. And when I examine my life I know it's true. I sit at a desk all day, I ride escalators, I would do anything for a seat on the tube, and when I get home I often lie on the sofa since I'm so exhausted. From what, exactly? A lot of my free time is spent sitting at a screen as well, since one of my hobbies is writing. And when I tried to write a novel in a month, whoa, I did a lot of sitting. I was fascinated by the ways in which he tackled this, including his treadmill desk. He wrote the entire book while walking.

I think one of the reasons I found this so interesting is that I already knew so much sitting wasn't good for people -- in particular hypermobile people like me. One of the reasons I still need to do my physio exercises every day is because I am so sedentary. When I saw my physio this last August after my week sailing in Turkey, she said my body was in much better shape than before I left. Clambering around a boat for a week was the the best medicine for my bendy body.

I don't think that I will be able to implement a treadmill desk anytime soon, but at least this book increased my awareness that I should be trying to sit less. Perhaps not taking a seat on the tube when one becomes available, standing up when I'm on a conference call, and trying to walk instead of taking the tube or bus whenever I can.

This won't be the last A.J. Jacobs book I'll read, in fact, I'm quite interested in one of his other quests: one to become smarter and one to follow the Bible as literally as possible. That one is sure to be interesting.

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Keeping It Simple

Last year I didn't write a New Year's Resolution post, which seems odd for Mind, Body & Scroll. But I did write three resolutions on a slip of paper and tacked it to the cork board in the kitchen. Having a small number worked pretty well, because I accomplished maybe about 50% of each resolution, which I think isn't too bad.

The first was to get into a daily email habit, both at work and at home. I actually got much better at work emails this year, staying on top of my inbox perhaps on a three-day basis. I was busier, and this helped me cope somewhat. At home, the result wasn't as good, and is still a work in progress. I also know when to let it go.

The second was called "2013: The Year of Photo Albums". (A grand title, eh?) I set out to get all our digital photo albums done. I didn't accomplish this, but at least I did our wedding albums, purchasing copies for my parents and my Grandmother for Christmas. I also made one for my brother and his new wife from their wedding in June. Some progress then.

The third was to do a "weekly clearout", which meant each week I'd clean out something, i.e. the bathroom drawers, kitchen cabinets, bookshelves etc. This I failed at totally. I think every week is just too frequent of a task. Also, I only ever cleared out something small, never anything like the attic or the vestibule by our front door, which has clutter from when we moved in, and annoys me pretty much every single day of my life.

I've thought long and hard about what I'd like to work on this year. It would be so cool to actually complete your New Year's resolutions. Do people ever actually do that? I wonder. They have to be doable, I suppose, but I think they also need to be important. I even tried the whole one-word thing, but that wasn't specific enough for me.

One of the resolutions that made the short list was implementing the broken window policy, which I've never been good at. It means doing things straight away, never letting anything get messy. But then I realized that falls under the procrastination theme, something I'm getting much better at battling every day. So it's really more of a longer-term project.

Here are the three I've settled on after much careful consideration (I've had some long plane and car journeys over the holidays). I plan to post them on the cork board again, so I can see them every day.

1) The swimming habit. Since I now have a more "normal" body and have been able to handle regular exercise, I've been very good at getting into the habit of going to yoga. I've got a rhythm that works for me: Thursday nights and Sunday afternoons. I find the Thursday class helps get out any work stress from the week and is an easier night to leave the office at 5.30. And Sunday night gets me ready for the work week. I'd also really like to swim once or twice a week -- even if it's only for 20 minutes or so -- so I'm going to pick a time/times and get into that habit.

2) The writing habit. Participating in NaNoWriMo was a great experience. I wrote over 33,000 words in one month, something I'd never thought I could do. But how to keep going? I discovered that writing during the week was very tough for me, but during the weekends, I could get a lot done between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday. I have no idea how I spent this time before the project. I think I might have been taking a shower and/or tidying up the flat, neither of which, even when combined, should take two hours. But yet I could write well-over 1,000 words during these two hours (provided there was a cup of coffee next to me). I hope to finish my first novel during these time slots in 2014.

3) Monthly projects. This is something I've flirted with before. You pick a project you've been procrastinating on and dedicate the month to it. It sets a deadline, which provides some incentive. When I've done it before it worked to some extent, but it's easy to get behind. But I learned through NaNoWriMo that it's possible to accomplish a lot in a month, so perhaps it's time to give this a try again? I'm wondering if it's better to have a two-month time frame, but maybe that means you just won't start until the end of the first month? So I'll start with monthly projects, but if I need to extend the deadline, I will.

So what are your New Year's resolutions? Do you even make them? And Happy New Year, by the way!
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