What was he disappointed about?
My New Year's resolution! He said he "expected more" from me. First I thought he was talking about my exercise routine -- that it wasn't enough. He happens to be running the London marathon soon and I told him that we can't all be superstars like him.
But then he clarified. He thought that the only goal I had for the year was my New Year's resolution. Wait a cotton-pickin' minute, I told him. That is certainly not the case.
I thought that I would clarify. Also, as an "Obliger" -- according to Gretchen Rubin's Four Tendencies (take the quiz here) -- I need external accountability for my goals and habits. So might as well write them down and what better place to list them than on my blog?
I do like having one New Year's resolution that is achievable quite quickly and that I can focus on in January & February (here's how it went). But that's not the only thing I want or plan to accomplish in 2016.
I'll just take the plunge. With the risk of posting them here and not achieving them, here are my personal goals for the year:
1. Decide what to do with the book I wrote last year. At the moment it doesn't work. Do I re-write it? Do I turn it into some essays and try to get them published? Or do I start from scratch with my non-fiction (I have a new idea) and revisit my memoir at a future time? I just don't know, so I have it on the back burner -- for now.
2. Write my first full fiction novel by the summer. I have started a new book. It's the first in a series and I can only describe it as a cross between chick lit and horror. I know they don't usually go together, but I love Reeces Peanut Butter Cups so maybe unusual combinations are my thing.
3. Write at least one more novel in the series in the second half of the year. I know this sounds stupidly ambitious, but I already have ideas for more of these books, so we'll see how this goes. I would put this on the "stretch" list.
4. Get my U.K. driving license. Done, done, and done.
5. Become more active on social media. But only if it means posting things that are actually helpful to other people and avoiding narcissism (also, discover if this is possible).
6. Finish decorating my study. This is where the writing happens. It's been almost-done for about a year. It still doesn't have a curtain. This is ridiculous. (Americans: "decorating" is English English for "re-decorating")
7. Expand our kitchen. The Hub and I have been on the fence about this one for over a year. And since our kitchen ceiling looks like it is close to collapse, I think the universe is telling us something.
8. Add pictures to all my old blog posts without them. Is this a waste of time? Maybe, but it bothers me when you search the archive and it says "no image available". Please weigh in on this one.
9. Make at least one photo album from my digital photos. I do this sometimes, but not enough. Nothing replaces having a physical album.
10. Figure out a way to be writing -- and meditating -- every single day. I think this will be the crux of actually getting items 1-3 done.
I mean seriously, could E. have really believed that I only had one goal for the year?
Photo credit: Illustration Friday: Path. via photopin All rights reserved by the author
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