
I feel horrible. I only posted once last week and this is really not how I intended things to go. Despite the wedding planning, I wanted to keep up with my blogging because doing it makes me happy. Also, I know from my journalism/publishing experience that you can't just expect people to keep reading if you don't publish consistently – or at least more consistently than once a week.

And don't even get me started on my lack of progress on my goal to become one of those twitter converts.

I guess what I'm saying is please don't stop reading. Although I know posting three times a week isn't exactly prolific (I am acutely aware that daily blogging – or at least five to six times per week – is de rigueur for the best of the bloggers), I am hoping this week to get back up to posting three times per week.

There is definitely a long list of things that I'd really like to be doing if I wasn't organizing a wedding, but don't get me wrong, I am enjoying many aspects of it. The thought of buying a calligraphy pen and addressing envelopes all next weekend while watching some well-worn movies or TV box set episodes, actually, secretly (or not so secretly anymore) fills me with glee. Perhaps it indulges the arts & craft-y side of me from my childhood, when I actually did own a calligraphy set. Back when I used to do things like cross stitch and knitting and making paper dolls (apparently I was born in the late 19th century and am actually over 100 years old). Those are things that maybe will never be my priority anymore, but that doesn't mean I can't dabble from time to time.

We have to make the best of whatever our current circumstances are. But sometimes we kid ourselves that we have different priorities than we actually do. We can say that we want to be doing something, like writing, for example, but unless we actually make it a priority – either to find the time or the right medium, it then becomes a question of whether it actually is a priority. Also, there may be things we want to be doing, ideally, but they just can't be a priority at this exact moment.

And such is the case for cleaning out my clothes (particularly the summer ones which sit right there at the front of my closet mocking me), getting our first real Christmas tree (next year!) and making photo albums from our last few holidays, including shots from two very close friends' weddings.

But I refuse to put blogging in that relegation zone post-March. Just because I got a bit distracted last week, doesn't mean I can't get back on the horse starting now. Because if there's something that's important to you, you've just got to start doing the tasks that needs to be done, one by one – exactly like planning a wedding.

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